easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Running a Membership Campaign
Author malw Date 01 Jan 07, 07:30 Views 6915
Description How easy-Speak can help you to keep track of new members
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Running a Membership Campaign 

Keeping track of who introduced new members and visitors

You may use easy-Speak to keep track of which of your members introduced visitors to your club and introduced new members.
You can also publish this information in the Member Charts 'Membership Campaign' and 'Visitors Introduced' and use these to give acclaim or reward to those members that did most for their club.

To retain the data you should:

    Use the drop-down field 'Introduced to the Club by' when adding a new member or visitor to the system.
    Complete the field 'Date They Became a Member' when a visitor first attends a meeting - and change it to the date that they sign up for full membership.
    (If you add a user from the agenda screen the date will default automatically to the meeting date)

To present the charts you should:
    Complete the 'Start Date for Membership Campaign' in the Club Control Panel. Both charts use this date to select the visitors and members to list and display.
    Say 'Yes' to the 'Show Membership Campaign Chart' if you want to display a chart of new members.
    Say 'Yes' to the 'Show New Visitors Chart' if you want to display a chart of visitors.

Both charts are presented from the menu 'Member Charts' and may be presented on-line or in a form better suited for printing.

You may add a static link from your club's promotional website to have easy-Speak display the current status of your membership campaign using either of these charts: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=42

Please read this article for further information on using the Club Control Panel: