Author malw
Date 01 Jan 07, 07:30
Views 6915 Keywords Description How easy-Speak can help you to keep track of new members Article scope easy-Speak information |
Running a Membership Campaign |
Keeping track of who introduced new members and visitors
To retain the data you should:
Complete the field 'Date They Became a Member' when a visitor first attends a meeting - and change it to the date that they sign up for full membership. (If you add a user from the agenda screen the date will default automatically to the meeting date) To present the charts you should:
Say 'Yes' to the 'Show Membership Campaign Chart' if you want to display a chart of new members. Say 'Yes' to the 'Show New Visitors Chart' if you want to display a chart of visitors. Both charts are presented from the menu 'Member Charts' and may be presented on-line or in a form better suited for printing. You may add a static link from your club's promotional website to have easy-Speak display the current status of your membership campaign using either of these charts: Please read this article for further information on using the Club Control Panel: