easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Area and Division Contests
Author malw Date 21 Sep 06, 16:58 Views 5664
Description Checklist for Area/Division Governor

Area and Division Contests 

Area and Division Contests must be self-financing. No subsidy from the District is available. As the Contest Handbook says: "Determine the budget for the contest, remembering that contest income and expenses should break even."

As an Area Governor you can ask the Clubs in your Area to finance the Area Contest. This has two big advantages:
1. There will be no need to collect money at the door from individual attendees;
2. You know that expenses will be covered exactly by income (by asking each Club to pay an equal share of the total cost).
However please note that this can only be done with the agreement of the Clubs involved as they have financial autonomy.

1 - 4 months in advance of Contest
- Set date with Area/Division Council
- Book room
- Order Participation Certificates, Top 3 Certificates and Judging, Timer & Counter forms
- Appoint Contest Chair, Chief Judge, Judges, Sgt At Arms, Timers, Counters and any other officials you want
- Order any prizes
- Retrieve any perpetual trophies

1 - 4 weeks in advance of Contest
- Put together the Agenda (download example template at http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=109) and arrange copying
- Arrange for each Contestant to complete an Originality and Eligibility form ready to give to the Chief Judge at the Contest

Area Governor
- Elicit from each Club the Contestants names and give a copy to the Contest Chair
- Elicit from each Club two Judges names and give a copy to the Chief Judge

Division Governor
- Elicit from each Area Governor the Contestants names and give a copy to the Contest Chair
- Elicit from each Area Governor two Judges names and give a copy to the Chief Judge

Check with World Headquarters that all Contestants are valid members of Toastmasters International (email Doreen Yosha at dyosha@toastmasters.org providing her with the Contestants Names, their Club Names and Club Numbers)

Contest Officers roles and responsibilities
Contest Chair: See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=53
Chief Judge: See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=54
Other Judges: See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=10
Sgt At Arms: Sets up the room, brings 2 sets of lights and 2 stopwatches, collects entrance money (if applicable) and welcomes everyone.

Day of Contest
- Be there early to ensure the room is set up and all the officials are there and carrying out their roles and responsibilities
- Give Participation Certificates, and prizes/trophies to the Contest Chair
- Give Top 3 Certificates to the Chief Judge
- Relax and enjoy the Contest!

After the Contest
Provide the names, contact details and any speech titles of the winners and alternates to the person who is organising the next Contest level:
- Division Governor for the Division Contest; or
- District Lt Gov Education & Training for the District Contest.