easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Downloadable files on Evaluation
Author malw Date 23 Oct 07, 10:44 Views 4015
Description Articles, links to other sources and downloadable files about Evaluation

Downloadable files on Evaluation 

Evaluate to Motivate (49 Kb)
Powerpoint presentation on effective evaluation - by Joe Gibbs

Seven Keys to Evaluation (72 Kb)
- by Ayd Instone

Handout from the Evaluation workshops conducted by Paul Holmes (32 Kb)
- by Paul Holmes DTM

Evaluations Training Aid (34 Kb)
Basic guildelines for giving a useful evaluation - by Nick Benning
Columns 1 & 2 cover the procedure for the evaluation of a speech from a Toastmasters manual.
Columns 3 & 4 provide some points to consider for those whose evaluations are deemed either too soft or too hard.

Evaluations Training Handout (78 Kb)
Evaluation form (41 Kb)
Evaluation Presentation handout and form from Alan E Devine, West Toronto Club #3057 District 60.
