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Author malw  Date 15 Aug 06, 00:02  Views 4898
Description Q and A on the July 2006 changes
Category Maximum Achievements  Type Information

Educational System Changes - Frequenty Asked Questions

Q: The new leadership manual has 10 projects. Will I be evaluated on each of these projects, just as I am in the current Communication and Leadership Program manual?

A: Yes. For each leadership role you complete as a project requirement, your club vice president education will assign an evaluator who will provide a written evaluation. However, a verbal evaluation is optional and at the club’s discretion. Many clubs have limited time available during meetings; adding verbal evaluations for those serving in meeting roles may not be feasible. If you want a verbal evaluation in addition to the written evaluation, and if the meeting cannot accommodate it, the evaluator should give it privately after the club meeting.

Q: How will the Competent Leadership manual affect my club?

A: The new manual allows members to join your club and immediately begin working on developing their leadership skills. As mentioned in the previous question, the club vice president education assigns an evaluator who will provide a written evaluation. However, most clubs won’t have the meeting time to allow verbal evaluations of a leadership project. In these cases, if a member wants a verbal evaluation, the evaluator may provide it outside of the club meeting. More information about how to incorporate the manual into your club and its activities will appear in the December issue of this magazine. Club officers also will get information during their district’s upcoming club officer training.

Q: Do I have to complete the Competent Communication and Competent Leadership manuals in any particular order?

A: No. You may work in both manuals at the same time if you wish, or work in one at a time. If you complete the Competent Leadership manual first, you may apply for the Competent Leader award. If you complete the Competent Communication manual first, you may apply for the Competent Communicator award. If you finish both at the same time, you may apply for both awards at the same time.

Q: I am now a Competent Leader. After July 1, 2006, will my title be Advanced Leader Bronze?

A: You still will be a Competent Leader. Likewise, members who already have received the Advanced Leader award will retain that title.

Q: I am now a Competent Leader. Do I have to complete the new Competent Leadership manual?

A: No. However, we encourage you to do so because you’ll enhance and refine your leadership skills by completing the projects in the manual.

Q: I am now a Competent Leader. After July 1, 2006, could I apply for the Advanced Leader Bronze award?

A: The requirements for the current Competent Leader and the Advanced Leader Bronze awards are the same, and Toastmasters International does not issue multiple awards for the same work. If you want to earn the Advanced Leader Bronze award, you would have to meet all of the requirements a second time. Instead of doing this, we recommend that you work toward the next level award, the Advanced Leader Silver.

Q: I have met almost all conditions for the current Competent Leader award. Will I have to start over and complete the requirements for the new Competent Leader award, which includes completing the new Competent Leadership manual?

A: You need not start over as long as you complete the current award requirements and apply for the Competent Leader award before June 30, 2008. After that date, all applicants must meet the new criteria.

Q: I am a Competent Leader. After July 1, 2006, what is the next leadership award I could earn?

A: Those who already have the current Competent Leader award may work toward the Advanced Leader Silver award.

Q: How will the new leadership award affect the Distinguished Club program?

A: The new award will be incorporated into the 2006-07 Distinguished Club Program. A club will need at least one Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze, Advanced Leader Silver, or Distinguished Toastmaster award to meet Goal 5, and at least one additional Competent Leader, Advanced Leader Bronze, Advanced Leader Silver or Distinguished Toastmaster award to meet Goal 6.

Q: The communication track has three advanced awards, but the leadership track has two. Will there be more leadership awards?

A: We are planning to expand the leadership track even more, so eventually an Advanced Leader Gold award will be introduced.

Q: I am now a Competent Toastmaster. After July 1, 2006, will my title be Competent Communicator?

A: You still will be a Competent Toastmaster. Likewise, members who already have received the Advanced Toastmaster Bronze, Advanced Toastmaster Silver, and Advanced Toastmaster Gold awards will retain those titles. Only those applying for awards after June 30, 2006, will have the new titles.

Q: I am an Advanced Toastmaster Bronze and my goal has been to achieve the Advanced Toastmaster Silver award in late 2006. How do the changes affect me?

A: Because you will be applying for the award after June 30, 2006, you will receive the Advanced Communicator Silver certificate instead of the Advanced Toastmaster Silver certificate.

Q: I am an Advanced Toastmaster Silver and my goal has been to achieve the Advanced Toastmaster Gold award in late 2006. How do the changes affect me?

A: Because you will be applying for the award after June 30, 2006, you will receive the Advanced Communicator Gold certificate instead of the Advanced Toastmaster Gold certificate.

Q: I’ve been a member for a long time and have all of the awards. What can I do?

A: We recommend completing the new Leadership Program manual because you’ll develop and refine your leadership skills. Completing all the educational awards again also will help improve your communication skills.

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