easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: The Club Control Panel
Author malw Date 08 Aug 09, 12:40 Views 3991
Description Explanation of overall settings for your club in the Control Panel
Article scope
easy-Speak information

The Club Control Panel 

The Club Control Panel is only available to the system administrator for your club. The control panel allows the administrator to upload the club logo to be displayed on all screens and the printed agenda and also to set the various parameters used by the application.

You may access the Club Control features of the system by clicking on the hot-link 'Club Control Panel' at the bottom of all screens (just above the Toastmaster copyright notice).
Note that the link is only visible if you are logged in AND are authorised as system administrator for your club AND have your own club selected.

Much of the data are only relevant to 'active' clubs using the club management features of the site.
These fields are marked '*' in the following explanation and are only displayed for active clubs.

This maintenance screen is also used for other units in the Toastmaster hierarchy (eg District, Division or Area).
Fields which are not relevant for these units are marked '#' and are not displayed.

A full list of the various fields, with explanation where appropriate, follows:

General Club Settings

Default Club language - At present English, English-US and German are the only available languages. French, Dutch and Latvian are in process.
The system has been designed to allow multiple languages to be supported and for each cub to designate a language. If you would like to add a language please contact MalcolmW by e-mail.
If you change the default language for your club here you will be asked on the confirmation screen if you also wish to change the language for all your club members.

Club Timezone - All meeting times and requested reply dates are displayed in 'local time'. This is calculated from GMT by adjusting for the club's timezone.
DO NOT change this to allow for Summer time. Set it once and leave it alone.

Club's Own Website - If you enter the URL for your club's own website here it will be used in the menu system at the top of all screens to give a link back to your site.

Club admin e-mail address - This address is used as the 'from address' when sending a mail-shot to members and guests.
Club agenda e-mail address - This address is used as the 'from address' when sending meeting e-mail to members and guests.
These must be a real e-mail addresses and you should check for e-mail returned as un-deliverable and ask the member to correct the e-mail address in their profile.
I strongly suggest that this addresses be in the form 'admin@myclub.org' and 'meetings@myclub.org' so that members recognise them and white-list them in their anti-spam filters.
(If you have difficulty getting a member to correct their e-mail address you may disable e-mail to them from the club/user screen. This will temporarily stop further outgoing e-mail to this member and force them to correct the address before they may use the system)

Default Meeting Location
This location is used in the data presented for your club and to locate your club on the 'find a club' map.
You may create another location (if your club moves for example) using the 'Locations edit' screen and then select the new location here if it will be your normal meeting place.
If you are an 'active' club this sets the location used automatically when you create a new meeting - but you may select another location when you create a meeting.

Club Date and Time Formats - Use the pull-downs to select the default date and time formats that will be used for your club.

This field presents a short club message at the top of printed agenda and at the top of all screens in some colour-schemes.
For units other than a club it is used to present a brief description of the geographic area - e.g.'Oxfordshire and Warwickshire' when a user hovers over District 71 Area 7.

Description if the club shuts for Summer and Club Founded date #

Default membership sort sequence
You may specify whether your userlists and attendance will be sorted by First or Second name.

First Mentoring data available *
The system uses records of who performed each role at each meeting to present information to each member of their continuing development.
This information is also presented to a meeting manager so that they can easily see if a member has performed a role recently, or at all.
Enter the date here where you began to record actual meeting activity on the system.

Calculate User/Club statistics for nn months *
These fields set how far back to look when presenting user statistics (e.g. to a member's mentor) or club statistics about attendance and roles.
When starting the system you should set these to six or twelve months. The date entered in 'First Mentoring data available' will automatically be used if this is later than your request.

Send e-mail to VP-M if a member refuses roles at nn meetings *
You may request that the system sends an e-mail to a club officer if seems that a member is loosing interest in your club. The club officer will then be in a position to contact them and offer encouragement. The e-mail will be sent if a member refuses a role and has not accepted a role or attended for this number of consecutive meetings.
The officer(s) that receive this e-mail have a 'Yes' for the field 'Send 'refusal' e-mail to this officer?' in the 'Club Officers' setup in the Club Control Panel.

Default participation chart will look ahead nn meetings *
Some of the Club Charts can look ahead to future meetings to show planned roles and speeches.
This setting defines how many meetings in the future will be shown whan a user first opens the screen.

Charts visible to non-members *
If you enter a yes here the membership list and member charts will be visible to the general public (however, personal privacy preferences for the display of phone numbers and name etc are always honoured)

Userlist visible to non-members
If you enter a no here the user list and attendance list for meetings will only be visible to full members of the club.

Start date for membership campaign chart and Show Membership Campaign Chart and Show New Visitors Chart *
You may use this feature to show which of the existing members introduced new members (and how many) as part of a new membership campaign. Further detail is available here:

Show Photo Gallery of Club Members gives choices about the display of club members' profile photographs in a portrait gallery.

Show location name on Javascript link adds the location to next meeting information displayed by the javascript that may be pasted into a club website.

Evaluation for CL performed by *
Each of the projects in the New Competent Leader Manual must be evaluated. Use this field to tell the system the way that your club manages this. The default choice is for the member's mentor but you may also select a Club Officer or a Meeting Role to perform all evaluations for CL. (Your Club may have defined a special Officer or Meeting Role for this task - this link shows information on adding these new roles to your club in easy-Speak) http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=28

When allocating speeches, show longest non-speaker first *
This chice defines whether the queue of speeches presented on the speech allocation screen will be sorted by oldest speech request first or longest time since the member last spoke.

Display distances in
This setting defines the units used to display the distance to neighbouring clubs.
You may also use this to disable the display of local clubs.

Local Clubs (miles)
The list of local clubs will include at least five clubs, and any other clubs that are no further away than this. A zero will select all clubs on the system.

Toastmaster International Information
These fields are used to print the semi-annual Club and Officer Information Form that is sent to Toastmaster International.

Logo Control Panel
The current club logo is shown. Use the 'browse' button to select a file from your PC to upload and use as the club logo in future. Note that the file must be a .png or .gif or .jpg and that their are maximum sizes for the logo.
A good size for your logo would be about 90 pixels high and no more than around 150 wide.
The logo is presented hard against the left and top of the screen - depending on design you may need to use a little blank border at the top and left of your logo to get the best presentation.
You should prepare your graphic with a transparent background so that the site colour scheme will show around it and behind it.
For your information, if you have a black-and-white logo and wish to modify this to match the site design, the blue/gey colour code used throughout the site is '006699'.

System Settings
You should not need to change the settings in this section (and they will normally be hidden to you) except:
New user status
New users are added to your club automatically if they click on the 'thumbs up' on a meeting agenda. They will be given this status.

New user who has visited club
When you add new users from the meeting agenda screen they will be given this status by default.

Automatic Role Allocation Settings
Meetings before first speech *
New members will not be allocated a speaking role automatically until they have attended this number of meetings.

Meetings before any role *
New members will not be allocated any role automatically until they have attended this number of meetings.

Meetings before major role *
New members will not be allocated a major role (defined in the meeting roles screen) automatically until they have attended this number of meetings.

Meetings before repeat same role *
If any role is repeated for a member more often than this a warning will be shown on the allocation screen.

Meetings before repeat major role *
If a member is assigned a major role sooner than this number of meetings after their last major role a warning will be shown on the allocation screen.

Show assignment audit trail after auto-allocation?
If you set this to yes you have the option to examine the logic used by the auto-allocation engine - which may be of interest if you have created a new meeting role and are unsure about the settings.

Meeting Settings
The Club normally meets on #
Select the day of the week that your club normally holds its meetings

In these weeks of each month #
Tick the weeks that your normally hold club meetings.

Narrative of when the club meets
For most clubs the description will be calculated automatically from data in the preceding lines.
If this will not be sufficient for your club (e.g. You meet lunchtime on the first and third Tuesday and have an additional evening meeting on the second Wednesday) you may enter a description here which will then be shown on the club data screen and printed on the agenda.
This description is ignored when creating a new meeting and you should only enter anything here if the information otherwise shown on the club data screen would be incorrect.

Print Meeting Days and Weeks on agenda *
A yes here will print the day and the weeks of each month that you usually meet at the top of each agenda.

Print District, Division & Area on agenda *
A yes here will print the Toastmaster International information at the top of your agenda.

Show a meeting theme on all agenda *
A yes here will prompt you to enter the theme each time you create a new meeting. If you enter a theme it will be shown on the agenda.

Show a meeting number on all agenda *
A yes here will cause the meeting number to be shown on the agenda. If you set this to 'No' the system will still keep track of meeting numbers but they will not be shown on the agenda.

Next meeting number *
When you create a new meeting it will be assigned this number (which will be increase automatically each time you create a new meeting)

Display Club Statistics *
This setting causes club statistics about on-time responses to be shown on the agenda screen and/or printed agenda.

Display Member Statistics *
This setting will cause summary member statistics about meeting attendance and on-time response to be shown on the mentor screen and/or the member information displayed from the allocation screen.

Print next meeting information on agenda *
You may print summary or detailed information about the next meeting at the bottom of each agenda.

Show workbook assignments *
You may instruct the system to display the workbook assignment (e.g. 'Icebreaker') on the agenda screen, the printed agenda, or both.

Show Speech objectives with the assignments *
You may instruct the system to display a summary of the speech objectives on the agenda screen, the printed agenda, or both.

Send Speech detail to Evaluator *
You may instruct the system to send the speech detail and also the speech objectives to the Evaluator for each speech.

Send Speech detail to Mentor *
You may instruct the system to send the speech detail and also the speech objectives to the Mentor for the Speaker and Evaluator of each speech.

Toastmaster is always meeting manager? *
If there is a yes here the system will automatically change the Meeting Manager to be the member assigned as Toastmaster for the meeting.

Meeting manager may change theme and times? *
Select 'Yes' if you want the meeting manager to be able to change the meeting theme and the times and descriptions for each item in the agenda.

Meeting Manager assigns speeches *
Select 'Yes' if you want the meeting manager to be able to assign speeches for the meeting. (Normally this is 'No' and speech assignment is restricted to the VP-E or other Club Officers)

Toastmaster Assigns Meeting Roles, Toastmaster assigns evaluators and CE assigns evaluators *
Not currently in use

Print attendance list on agenda *
A yes here will cause the list of attendees to be printed at the bottom of the agenda, or you may choose to print the attendees list at the bottom of the detailed agenda only.

Print apologies list on agenda *
A yes here will cause the list of full members who cannot attend to be printed at the bottom of the agenda, or you may choose to print the list at the bottom of the detailed agenda only.

Print agenda using the format *
There are several alternative formats available for printing the agenda. Use the pull-down to select the version that best suits your club.
Examples of different formats are shown in the Knowledgebase.

Print this message on all agenda *
Text in this field will be printed on all agenda, after the venue and before the detail.
Note that you may also add text to a specific meeting, either when you create it or by using the 'edit' button from the agenda screen.

Unsubscribe link at bottom of meeting e-mail *
Sets whether the meeting e-mail will include an un-subscribe link.
A good anti-spam choice, but if a member clicks on it their status in the club will change to 'Past-member' and the system will consider them to be no longer eligible to speak or take a role at meetings. (Membership status may be changed by a club officer with the correct system permissions - they are also be able to see when and who last changed the status)

Request attendance confirmation by *
This is used to calculate the 'Please reply by ' message at the bottom of meeting e-mail.

Meeting automatically visible *
Full detail of the agenda is only available to club members and visitors if you click on the 'Make agenda visible' button. However, it will automatically become visible to everyone this number of days/hours ahead of the meeting.
(Scheduled speeches are always visible and full detail is visible to administrators at all times. A member may always see a role that has been assigned to them)

Allow users to volunteer on-line *
This setting is used to calculate when members may volunteer on-line for some roles. Please refer to this Knowledgebase article for more detail http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=6

Allow users to volunteer for more than one role *
This will not apply for the majority of clubs but, if yours is a very small club and you want your members to be able to volunteer on-line for more than one role you may permit that with these settings.
The number of days/hours that members may volunteer for a second role should be less than the setting for 'Allow users to volunteer on-line' so that everyone has a chance to volunteer for at least one role at the meeting.
There is NO VALIDATION that the volunteering makes sense - a new member may volunteer to be both Timekeeper and Evaluator at their second meeting and it's up to the VPE or Meeting Manager to manage that.

Prevent on-line user changes *
Users may not make further changes after this point (but an administrator may re-assign the role etc)

Notes for the web-master:
Club Status - Set this to 'Active' when you are ready to use the full features to manage club meetings and membership list etc.
When changing from 'summary' to active for the first time you must specify a club as a source for meeting roles and agenda data. Pick one where the meeting structure most closely matches this club to reduce their implementation work.

Club type
Club type is used to set the club as a 'Community Club' or 'Not yet affiliated' etc. It is also used to define this organisational unit as something other than a club - eg a District, Division or Area.

Show Portal - This option sets your preference to show the Welcome and News page. If you set it to 'No' your users will be directed to the Calendar instead.
There is an option for the club to use an extended portal which allows you to have multiple pages. Please look here for more information: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=148