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Author malw  Date 15 Aug 09, 11:09  Views 13492
Description Election for officers 2010/11
Category Other Information  Type

District Election

At the District Council meeting in May 2010 the following officers will be elected for a one year term starting 1st July 2010.

District Governor
At the time of taking office shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, Division Governor, or a combination thereof

Lt Governor Education & Training
At the time of taking office shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, a Division Governor, or an Area Governor or a combination thereof

Lt Governor Marketing
At the time of taking office shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, a Division Governor, or an Area Governor or a combination thereof

Public Relations Officer
Shall be a member in Divisions A, C, D or F (i.e. Divisions in Ireland, including Northern Ireland)

Division A Governor
Division B Governor
Division C Governor
Division D Governor
Division E Governor
Division F Governor
Division G Governor
Division H Governor

At the time of taking office, shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as an Area Governor, or President or Vice President Education of a Club in good standing

Descriptions of the roles are at http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=57.

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