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Author malw Date 09 Feb 08, 15:50 Views 5147
Description Description of modules from the Successful Club Series

The Successful Club Series 

  • Finding New Members for Your Club Three overheads; 10 minutes of presentation time. This Program emphasizes the importance of constantly building membership and how it is every member's responsibility to help the Club attract new members. It also offers suggestions for finding new members and how to treat guests when they visit your Club.
  • Moments of Truth Ten overheads, 1 hour total - 30 minutes of presentation time plus two exercises, one for 10 minutes and the second for 20 minutes. This Program is concerned with those brief but critical episodes when opinions are formed about Club service. The first half of the presentation defines and then discusses the standards necessary to create positive "moments" or impressions. The second half of the presentation focuses on two group "Moment of Truth" evaluation exercises.
  • Creating the Best Club Climate Three overheads; 10 minutes of presentation time. This Program discusses the actions that every Club must take in setting the stage for meeting excellence.
  • Closing the Sale Five overheads; 15 minutes of presentation time. This Program discusses the actions that every Club must take in setting the stage for meeting excellence.
  • Keeping the Commitment Three overheads; 8 - 10 minutes presentation time. This Program discusses the 10 standards that comprise "A Toastmaster's Promise".
  • Setting the Stage for Success: Meeting Roles and Responsibilities Three overheads; 15 minutes. This Program identifies the many different ways that Toastmasters can influence and enhance the quality of their meetings - provides an overview of various meeting roles.
  • Mentoring Ten overheads; 15 - 20 minutes presentation time. This program discusses how having or being a mentor can benefit club members and the club as a whole.
  • How to be a Distinguished Club Use to explain and promote the Distinguished Club Program to the members of your club. Includes script, PowerPoint presentation and a copy of Distinguished Club Program booklet.
  • Evaluate to Motivate Three overheads; 10 minutes of presentation time. This Program is concerned with the importance of speech evaluations and those who present them. The Program offers a number of techniques on how to evaluate so the speaker will not only (1) receive beneficial information and advice, but (2) will also be encouraged to continue getting up front of the lectern.
  • Going Beyond Our Club Three overheads; 8 - 10 minutes presentation time. This Program takes a look at the learning and leadership opportunities available to Toastmasters in addition to regular Club Meetings and activities.
  • The Toastmasters Educational Program This module provides a terrific educational program orientation.