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Author malw Date 10 Feb 07, 12:49 Views 2288
Description Tips and Examples of Brochures for New Clubs
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Brochures for Club Start-up 

Brochures/flyers generally contain more detailed information about Toastmasters and your new Club. They can be given to guests at meetings and handed out after any publicity/networking events. Posters are generally better than leaflets to place on notice boards but you might want to leave some brochures at libraries, community venues or send-out to your publicity targets ie. local newspapers, local companies, Chamber of Commerce etc. You can also email the brochure to potential guests. TMI have lots of publicity leaflets which you can use also and many are free from the website http://www.toastmasters.org

The layout of a brochure needs to look PROFESSIONAL and EASY to read; there can be a lot of information and you have to plan the LAYOUT carefully. The front page in particular should be EYE-CATCHING and PROMOTE a key BENEFIT of joining your Club.

Make sure that you do not include too much TM JARGON (i.e. CC, CL, ACB, C&L) without explaining it and don't be tempted to explain the entire Communication and Leadership programs - just the relevant high-lights. Include the time and location of the MEETINGS and a CONTACT name and number. Also include the Club website and/or D71 website.

Do you know anyone who has a desk-top publishing package on their computer - these can produce some great lay-outs. Pictures look good - but these often use a great deal of coloured ink if you are using a home printer. Try speaking to a local printer and mention that we are a not-for-profit organsiation - you might negotiate a favourable price!

Here are some examples of brochures - these are black & white ones which can be photocopied and gate-folded:
