easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Presentations to Deliver at Club Start-up
Author malw Date 09 Feb 07, 18:16 Views 2742
Description Tips and Examples of Presentations to use at Demo/Publicity meetings

Presentations to Deliver at Club Start-up 

Local Clubs such as Rotary and Business Networks are often looking for speakers who can give interesting and informative presentations to their members. This is a great way to PUBLICISE your new club (and is an ideal opportunity for an Advanced Speech from the PR Manual). It can be fun to also include a short TABLE TOPICS session at these meetings (with Evaluation) to show a practical example of the benefits.

At your Club Demo meeting, you might want to give a short Presentation/Education feature to provide an OVERVIEW of what Toastmasters is all about.

Here is an example of a PUBLICITY/EDUCATION Presentation; you can print-out and use paper copies in a presentation folder if you do not have laptop/projector
