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Author malw  Date 04 Jun 09, 12:51  Views 7954
Description What do I have to do?
Category Evaluator  Type Information


After each prepared Speech and (in many clubs) Table Topic the Speaker receives an Evaluation.

The Evaluation you present can make the difference between a worthwhile or a wasted speech for your Speaker. The purpose of Evaluation is to help the Speaker become less self-conscious and a better Speaker. This requires that you be fully aware of the Speaker's skill level, habits and mannerisms, as well as his or her progress to date. If the Speaker uses a technique or some gesture that receives a good response from the audience, tell the Speaker so that they will be encouraged to use it again.

Record your impressions of the speech. Be as objective as possible and remember that good Evaluations may give new life to discouraged members and poor Evaluations may dishearten members who tried their best. Remember, always give the Speaker specific methods for improving for each recommendation. Begin and end your oral evaluation with encouragement or praise. Don't try to cover too much in your talk - possibly one point on organisation, one on delivery and one on attainment of purpose with a statement about the greatest asset and a suggestion for future improvement. You can cover more points with the Speaker personally after the meeting.

Praise a successful speech and specifically tell in which ways it was successful. Don't allow a Speaker to remain unaware of a valuable asset such as a smile, a sense of humour, or a good voice. On the other hand, don't allow the Speaker to remain ignorant of a serious fault or mannerism. Give the Speaker the deserved praise and tactful suggestions in the manner you would like to receive them when you are the Speaker.

In a Table Topics Evaluation you should be brief. This is not just because of time limitations, but because there is no point going into detail on aspects that the Speaker has had no time to think about. You should also bear in mind how hard some people find impromptu speaking. For example, someone uncomfortable with Topics who feels a sense of achievement by merely remaining somewhat vertical is going to be disheartened by a thesis on how they could have improved their body language. A suggested Topics Evaluation routine is one commendation, one recommendation then one commendation; each expressed in a nutshell.

Above all, in any evaluation ... bear in mind that everyone finds naked criticism of their efforts hurtful - not just you!

Further information on Evaluations from District 72

Table Topics Evaluator Sheet from District 11

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