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Author malw  Date 23 Aug 09, 14:07  Views 4158
Description A basic guide
Category Toastmasters  Type Information

Toastmasters International - organisation and structure

Overall size
As of July 2009, there are more than 12,500 clubs with 250,000 members in 106 countries.

A Club is the basic grouping of members.

Officers These are President, Vice President Education, Vice President Membership, Vice President Public Relations, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant at Arms [see http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=cat&cat=22]. Any member can be a Club officer. However a member who has been President for a full Toastmasters year cannot continue to be President for the year immediately following.

Contests Club Contest winners go on to Area level.

Goals Depending upon its achievements a Club becomes Distinguished, Select Distinguished or President's Distinguished. (The "President's Distinguished" award refers not to the Club President but to the International President!)
[See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=118]

An Area is a grouping of three to six Clubs.

Officers An Area Governor is either appointed or elected, depending upon the particular District's rules. (In District 71, Area Governors are appointed by the District Governor.) Area Governors are usually, but not always, members of a Club in the Area for which they are responsible.

Contests Area Contest winners go on to Division level.

Goals Depending upon its achievements an Area becomes Distinguished, Select Distinguished or President's Distinguished.
[See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=182]

A Division is a grouping of Areas.

Officers A Division Governor is elected annually. The Division Governor can appoint up to three Assistants.

Contests Division Contest winners go on to District level.

Goals Depending upon its achievements a Division becomes Distinguished, Select Distinguished or President's Distinguished.
[See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=183]

A District is a grouping of Divisions. District 71 comprises Britain and Ireland.

Officers These are District Governor, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Public Relations Officer, Treasurer and Secretary. The first three are always elected and the last three are elected or appointed depending on local preference. (In District 71 the first four are elected and the last two appointed.)
Non-elected positions are appointed by the newly elected District Governor.

Contests Districts have up to four District Contests. The International Speech Contest winner goes on to Regional level. For other Contests, the District level is the Final.

Goals Depending upon its achievements a District becomes Distinguished, Select Distinguished or President's Distinguished.
[See http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=190]

How can I become an Area, Division or District officer?
If you want to be an Area Governor, show up at a lot of events outside your club and get to know the people around your District. Work hard within your club. Eventually, you'll be considered for appointment (or election, in Districts where the position is elected) as an Area Governor. It doesn't hurt to ask the people who are running for District Governor to consider appointing you. If you want to be a Division Governor or other District Officer, you've usually got to run for the office. Each club has two votes at the District Council election which decides who'll serve for the next year. Terms always run July 1 to June 30 so elections are usually held in April or May during a District Conference.

A Region is a grouping of Districts. However Regions are not formally constituted bodies.
From July 2010 there will be 14 Regions spanning the world. District 71 (Britain and Ireland) will be in Region 11 together with District 59 (Continental Europe), District 74 (Southern Africa) and District 79 (Middle East).

Officers Each Region has a Director on the Board of Toastmasters International. The main requirement for the role is that you have residency and membership of a club in that Region. However once elected you serve the world, not just your Region.
Also, each Region has a Regional Advisor providing marketing support.

Contests Regional winners in the International Speech Contest go on to the World Final.

This is the worldwide level of Toastmasters International.

Officers There is an International President and three International Vice-Presidents. Also, there is a permanent administration staff headed by an Executive Director.

Convention An International Convention is held each August. It has always taken place in North American but it is intended to hold some outside North America in the future. The Convention includes the Annual Business Meeting at which International officers are elected and policies decided. Club votes are usually proxied to District representatives.

Contest The World Final of the International Speech Contest takes place at the Convention.

What do I get for serving as an officer?
If you serve as a Club officer, you earn credit toward an ALB. If you serve as an Area Governor, Division Governor or District officer, you earn credit toward an ALS.
Service at the International level doesn't earn you anything in particular but you gain tremendous leadership experience. With everyone a volunteer you have to develop powerful persuasive abilities to guide members in the right direction.

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