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Author malw  Date 24 Aug 07, 18:56  Views 3161
Description An explanation of the use of locations and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel
Category Club Control Panel  Type Information
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easy-Speak information


The calendar is populated by events - normally a Toastmaster meeting but you may also add social events and meetings of the Club Executive to the system.
(Club Executive meetings are only visible to the club officers)

Each event refers to a location with a name, address, a URL to print the map etc. These data are maintained by location in the Club Control Panel.

Once your club is running smoothly you are unlikely to use this screen unless you run a social event at a new location or re-locate your club to another venue.

You may access the Club Control features of the system by clicking on the hot-link 'Club Control Panel' at the bottom of all screens (just above the Toastmaster copyright notice).
Note that the link is only visible if you are logged in AND are authorised as system administrator for your club AND have your own club selected.

For each location the following data are required:

Location Name
Directions on how to get there
Location Web-site
If the location has its own web-site, enter the URL here and users will be able to click through from the location information on this site.

URL for map
If this field is completed a message 'click here for a map' will show on the screen for your meeting agenda.
Find your location on Multimap, Streetmap or whatever, copy the URL from your browser bar (select and C ) and then paste it in here ( V ).

Global position for Google Maps and Initial zoom level
Enter here the Geocoordinates and zoom level for your meeting location.
(Refer to this article to find out how to get this information: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=97 )

Comments sent to selected role(s)
Use this field to send a specific message with 'Meeting e-mail three' to members assigned to selected roles.
For example, 'Pick up the key from Mary the night before the meeting'
Please refer to the Knowledgebase article about meeting roles to understand more.

General Comment A general comment to be shown with this location, for example 'Park in the South Carpark'

Show comment on all e-mail: Include this general comment on ALL meeting e-mail?

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