easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Membership Status
Author malw Date 01 Jan 07, 07:34 Views 2901
Description An explanation of membership status and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel
Article scope
easy-Speak information

Membership Status 

Users of the system MAY be members of your club (but not all users will be members of your club)

The system uses different status of club membership for each club to keep track of who should be included in meeting e-mail, who may speak at a meeting etc.

Some status are obvious - member, past-member, mailing list - and some are more specific and allow members of other local clubs or your Area Governor to take roles or speak at competitions.

Once your club is running smoothly you are very unlikely to use this screen.

You may access the Club Control features of the system by clicking on the hot-link 'Club Control Panel' at the bottom of all screens (just above the Toastmaster copyright notice).
Note that the link is only visible if you are logged in AND are authorised as system administrator for your club AND have your own club selected.

The following data are required for each membership status in your club:

Description (e.g. Member)

Full member of the club?
Only 'full members' may upload photographs and vote in polls created in the club's discussion forum.

User can make a speech at meetings?
Yes for members and guest speakers

User can take a role at meetings?
Yes for members and special guests

List this status of user with potential attenders?
Yes for members
No for everything else (Users with this status are still able to say that they will attend and are then be listed but are not listed as 'attendance unknown')

User may manage meetings?
Users with this status may be assigned to be the 'Meeting Manager' and then change the agenda, assign members, send meeting e-mail etc.

User should receive meeting e-mail?
User should receive general e-mail?

Default settings when sending e-mail (but may be over-ridden when sending e-mail)
Past members or potential members who have requested that you do not send further e-mail to them should be placed in a group where you have set this e-mail status to 'Never'.