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Author malw  Date 13 Apr 09, 14:46  Views 3493
Description Assigning Members to Roles
Category Running the Meeting  Type Information
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easy-Speak information

Assigning Members to Roles

If you have authority to assign members to roles for a meeting, the 'assign' button will be visible when you view the agenda screen prior to the meeting. This feature allows you to allocate a member to each role.

You will have authority because:

    You are a Club Officer with that authority (e.g. VP-E) or
    You are assigned to be the meeting manager for this meeting

Click on the 'Assign' button and the Assignment screen opens

This screen has two parts:

Assignment Actions
Use the pull-downs to select which member will be assigned to each role.
If the member accepts the role other than through the system (for example they telephone you) you may also click the 'Accept' check-box next to their name.
If you are advised by telephone that a member cannot take a role - re-assign it to somone else.
Note that speakers for the meeting are shown at the bottom of the screen (along with the names of the evaluators for their last three speeches) to guide your selection of an appropriate Evaluator.
If you wish to move the member assigned between two repeats of the same role (for example to swop the people assigned as Speaker 1 and Speaker 2) you should press the red arrow icon just to the right of the first person's name. You may repeat as necessary but note that any other changes that you made on the screen will be ignored.

You cannot assign speakers using this screen - use the 'Assign Speeches' button which appears on the Agenda screen next to the 'Assign Roles' button if you have system permission to assign speeches for the meeting. http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=48

If you wish to let the system make its own suggestions for role assignments you may press the 'Auto-assign' button at the bottom of this panel.
Any assignments that you have made manually are processed, members are then assigned to the vacant positions and you will be returned to this screen.
If you wish to change the system's suggestion you may do so by using the pull-down against each role before you press 'Submit Assignment' or 'Auto-assign' again to commit the changes.
After you have clicked on the 'Auto-assign' button you will see a hotlink at the bottom of this panel to display the role assignment audit trail.
If you click on this link you will be able to check why the allocation engine assigned the member to each role and confirm that you have the correct settings in the Club Control Panel for the assignment of each role.
(This link is only visible if your club has turned on 'View Assignment Audit Trail' in the Club Control Panel)

If you are curious, this article gives a technical explanation of the automatic role assignment process and explains the Assignment Audit Trail Report: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=69

When you have completed the assignments click on the 'Submit Assignment' button at the bottom of this panel.

If you intend to assign the roles for a series of meetings you should do this in sequence, starting with the first meeting and then working through to later meetings.
If you assign the speakers as well as the other roles before you move on to the next meeting the auto-allocation routine will know to avoid assigning a major role to one of the speakers from this or the previous meeting.
You may publish a schedule of several future meetings by printing the Member Chart 'List by Member' or by including a link to it in your club newsletter.
This article gives information on adding a static link to your website or club newsletter that will always point at the latest schedule or next club meeting: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=42

Attendance Actions
Use the radio buttons to make the system aware of any members that have contacted you to say that they will/will not be at the meeting.
The small numbers next to the names show the number of roles assigned to this user when the screen was opened.
When you have completed the attendance actions click on the 'Submit Attendance' button at the bottom of this panel.
(If you hover over the ticks and crosses, the system will show the time and user name that set this attendance status)

Role and Member information
If you click on a role name on this screen a pop-up will display information about who has filled this role recently.
If you click on a member's name a pop-up screen will display information about the roles they have taken recently (and optionally statistics about their meeting attendance if this has been enabled in the club control panel)

The two panels work independently - only work on assignments or attendance at one time.
However, if you tell the system that someone will not attend this meeting any roles assigned to them are cancelled automatically.
You must click on the 'Submit Assignments' button if you wish to accept the system's suggested role allocations.

To return to the meeting agenda without changing assignment or attendance - click on the meeting name at the top left of the screen.

Click here for a web training video on assigning roles (18Mb)

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