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Author malw  Date 10 Mar 07, 10:09  Views 3232
Description An overview of how to create and run a meeting on easy-Speak
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An overview of Creating and Running a Meeting

Overview of Creating and running a Meeting

Firstly create the Meeting on the system.
I suggest that you create meetings at least a couple of months ahead so that they show in the calendar.
You may create meetings without creating the agenda for them yet or giving them a theme.
Once the meeting is in the calendar your members may use the system to advise you whether they will be there or not.

A few weeks ahead of the meeting you must create the agenda. This allows you to assign members to each of the speeches and to other roles.
The agenda is created by copying a template that best matches your need for this meeting (e.g. 'three speeches'). You may edit the agenda as needed and may then save the modified version as a new template or replace an old one. You access the selection by clicking on the 'Edit' button at the top of the meeting agenda screen (to return to the screen where you set the meeting date and location) http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=32

If your club plans and schedules several meetings in advance you may create the meetings and agenda and use the 'club charts' to print a list of roles and dates that may be circulated either to advise members of their roles for the coming months or to act as a 'sign up' sheet for future roles.

It helps your club members if you contact them with meeting details on a regular timetable - that way they know that they can rely on you to remind them.
They may go to the web-site and 'book themselves in' for a meeting at any time but the e-mail system is a good way to prompt for action.
For our club, I send the first reminder on Saturday ten days before the meeting, follow this up with role allocations seven days before the meeting, look to get all the gaps filled the next Saturday and send the final reminder out the night before. All these are sent by system-generated e-mail.

You will manually assign speakers and the major roles (for example Toastmaster and General Evaluator) using the assignment screen. You may assign all the roles if you wish, but you may also allow club members to volunteer on-line for some roles.
If your club has been using the easy-Speak system for some time and has built up a history of the members' experience you may use the auto-allocation engine to assign most roles.

Assigning Speeches for the meeting

Using the Role assignment screen

Explanation of members volunteering for a role

The agenda is available for all members to print their own copy by clicking on the 'Printer' button (top left just underneath the logo and meeting name)
A detailed agenda for use by the Toastmaster and the Timekeeper may be printed by the Meeting Manager or any club officer by clicking on the 'Printer detail' button (next to the other printer button)

A third report is available from the agenda screen. This lists members on the Leadership Track with the projects assigned to them at this meeting which may be evaluated. It also lists any member taking a role for the first time.
Print this report and use it to ensure that the member's CL activity is evaluated and recorded in their CL manual. Note this information of the report and use it when confirming the meeting actual outcome.

During the meeting I suggest that you use your copy of the agenda with its attendance list to note any changes from plan.
After the meeting you should go back to the agenda screen and click on the 'Actual' button to re-assign roles and record unexpected attendance or no-shows.
You need to action the actual role assignment and actual attendance to update member records. http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=37

If there was a guest or a new member signed up at the meeting you will need to add them to the system:

Most meetings that you create will be a regular Toastmaster meeting with a formal agenda etc.
You may also use the system to create a meeting of the Club Officers.
If you use this choice the features of logging planned attendance and sending a reminder e-mail will be available but the meeting will only be visible to the club officers.

You may also use the system to create a social event.
These events show on the calendar and are visible to all but do not have an agenda structure and do not use the system for logging planned attendance.
I suggest that you use the Club E-mail system to publish the event and also put details of it on the welcome and news page.

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