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Author malw  Date 30 Jan 07, 16:47  Views 3388
Description How to use the 'Actual' screen to record actual attendance and roles.
Category Running the Meeting  Type Information
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easy-Speak information

Recording what actually happened

Recording actual attendance, roles and speeches.

Print the Leadership report prior to the meeting and note on it any meeting roles that have been evaluated for CL.
During the meeting I suggest that you use your copy of the agenda with its attendance list to note any changes from plan.

After the meeting, go back to the agenda screen and click on the 'Actual' button to re-assign roles and record unexpected attendance or no-shows.
The 'Actual' button is only visible after the meeting and only if you are a club officer with system permissions to record actual results.

Use of this screen is identical to the role assignment screen except that there are additional check-boxes for leadership roles which have been evaluated.
Use the check-box to indicate any leadership role that was completed during the meeting (this will update the leadership chart automatically)

Once you have used the 'Actuals' screen no further changes are possible to the planned agenda. So, if you were told of non-attendance prior to the meeting but did not correct the agenda you should make this change prior to using the 'Actuals' screen to avoid marking this member as a 'no-show'.
In particular - if you made late changes to the speakers for a meeting you MUST change this using the 'Assign Speeches' screen before you use the 'Actuals' screen. It is not possible to change speech details here.

(It is possible to 're-open' a meeting by clicking on the link that is displayed at the top left after a meeting is fully closed)

You need to action both actual role assignment AND actual attendance to update member records - even if there was no variation from the planned agenda and attendance.

Submitting data from this screen updates the membership record with 'last attended', 'last role' and 'last spoke' and also builds the detailed information for mentoring. Details of speeches made and the evaluator for each speech are also saved in the member's record.
The data for speeches, roles and attendance that is presented in the Club Charts is based on what actually happened - that is, the information that you create here. If you do not record actual results for a meeting your 'Participation' chart will be blank and the date will be displayed in red for that meeting.

You may use this screen at any time after the meeting but it's best to update the actuals fairly quickly so that the membership information is current for mentoring and when you are using the assignment screen for the next meeting.
(However, if you have more than one meeting to record you do not need to do it in date order.)

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