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Author malw  Date 03 May 08, 20:37  Views 3345
Description How to assign the speakers and identify which speech they will make.
Category Running the Meeting  Type Information
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easy-Speak information

Assigning Speeches for the meeting

If you have authority to assign speeches for a meeting, the 'Assign Speeches' button will be visible when you view the agenda screen prior to the meeting. This feature allows you to select which speeches will be made at the meeting.
You will have authority because:

    You are a Club Officer with that authority (e.g. VP-E) or
    You are assigned to be the meeting manager for this meeting and the Club has decided to allow the Meeting Manager to assign speeches.

Click on the 'Assign Speeches' button and the 'Assign Members to Speeches' screen opens.

This screen has two parts:
Assignment Actions
Use the pull-downs to select which of the available speeches will be assigned to each available speaking opportunity in the agenda.

If the member accepts the speaking role other than through the system (for example they telephone you) you may also click the 'Accept' check-box next to their name.
If you are advised by telephone that a member cannot make the speech at this meeting - re-assign it to someone else.

If a member has told the system that they will NOT attend this meeting their speeches are excluded from the pull-down list but are still visible at the bottom of the screen.

Please note that 'Educational' presentations (for example from the Successful Club and Leadership Excellence Series) are queued in the same way as speeches but may only be allocated to the agenda item 'Educational'.
They display in the list of Available speeches with a small '>' in front of the project name and may be matched to open projects in the Leadership track rather than the Communication track.

When you have completed the assignments click on the 'Submit Assignment' button at the bottom of this panel.
Details of the speech and standard times for the assignment are added automatically to the agenda.

If you have already assigned speakers for a meeting and subsequently wish them to appear in a different order you may do this from the screen used to assign all the other roles. (You would do this for example if someone scheduled as first speaker dropped out and you will replace them with a speaker who is much more experienced than speakers two and three at this meeting)

The List of Available Speeches
A 'queue' of all speeches which members have requested for future meetings is shown at the bottom of the screen in the sequence that they were 'booked'.
Standard times for the assignment will be displayed if you hover your cursor over the assignment name.
Note that the list shows speeches that the member booked but may not have finished preparing yet and that a 'Ready' date is shown for each line. The 'Ready' date is coloured red if the member has said that they will not be ready in time for this meeting.

If a member has already said that they will not be able to attend this meeting their speech will still show in the list of available speeches but is not included in the pull-down selection of speeches that may be scheduled for this meeting.

The list includes, for your reference, speeches that have already been scheduled for another meeting but these will not be available to schedule at this meeting unless the member 'refuses' the invitation to speak at the other meeting (or you get the member's agreement to 'unschedule' them for the other meeting).

If the member has not put details of their speech in the queue you will not be able to schedule it for the meeting but note that the VP-E is able to add a speech to the queue for any member by selecting the member's profile and clicking 'add a speech' at the bottom.

Note that the available speeches will be sorted:
Earliest request first or
Longest time since member last spoke
(This policy is defined by a setting in the Club Control Panel)
If your club has selected the second option, two dates are displayed:
The last actual speech for the member (or scheduled speech if this is later and prior to this meeting)
The date that this particular speech was requested

Do not be concerned if the speech title is not yet finalised - the agenda will be updated automatically when the member makes a change to their speech in the queue.
However, if you are the VP-E, you may change the speech title yourself by clicking on the title in the speech 'queue'.

Members who may speak at more than one club
If the member may speak at more than one club using easy-Speak they are presented with a choice of clubs and the option 'Any club' when they put their speech into the 'queue'.
Speeches are available for you to schedule into an agenda if the member selected your club name for the speech or if they selected 'Any club' and you assign it before the other club.
Once you have assigned it to a meeting, the speech is assigned to your club and you will be able to change the title etc.

Placing Speeches in the Queue
Once the system is running smoothly you should find that most members will place their speech requests in the queue for you to assign.
However, you will not have all the required speeches available in the queue when you are getting started and some members may never use a computer at all.
If you have the system permission of VPE you may add speeches into the queue for any user by going to their personal profile (click on their name in the User list or Member Charts) and using the icon 'Book a Speech' in the section for requested speeches.

Click here for a web training video on assigning speakers (8.6Mb)

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