easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Create a New User
Author malw Date 03 May 08, 20:35 Views 6453
Description How to create a new user on the system as a member of your Club
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easy-Speak information

Create a New User 

It is very important that a person has ONLY ONE user identity in the system which contains all the information about that person.
This makes it easy for them - one login to remember - and it also makes it easy for you to pick up the member's past speeches and share information on current achievements.
If you have someone who already has a username, ask them for it (or use Search>User Search from the menu to find their username) and add them to your club using the 'Usergroups' screen. Do NOT create a new identity for them.
This article explains how to add an existing system user to your club: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=52

If you are a club officer where the setting in the Club Officer Control Panel for 'Change Member Data' is set to allow access to members' detail then you are also able to add new members for the Club. (Normally this would be set for the VP-Education and the VP-Membership)

If this option is available to you, the 'Add User' button will display:

    At the top left of the User list screen and
    On the right of the Agenda screen (just under the meeting e-mail and role assignment buttons).
    If your club does not use the easy-Speak system for club management this button will also show on the club officers screen

Clicking on the 'Add User' button will take you to a screen where you may create a new user on the system by entering a new username, password, e-mail address, name and telephone numbers etc. and add them as a member of your club.
It's a good idea to pick a username that is meaningful but does not fully disclose the user's full name if they wish to keep that hidden from the public.

* Towards the bottom of the profile data section of the screen you must select the member status (Full member, Visitor etc) and may assign a mentor and a computer 'buddy' for non-computer users.
* If the new member has expressed a preference for the minimum number of meetings between speeches you may also enter this here.
* You may also select the existing member that introduced this new person to the club. If your club uses the membership campaign feature the new user's name will then be shown in the membership campaign charts.

The system will automatically send an e-mail to the new user to tell them that they have been added to the site as a member of your club and advise them of their username and password.

If you clicked on the 'Add User' button from the Agenda screen the system will suggest the meeting date as the date that this person joined your club and also show the new member as intending to come to the meeting.
If the meeting has already been 'closed', and the actual results entered, the new member will be shown as having attended the meeting.
If your club does not use the easy-Speak system for club management, the items marked '*' in this article are not relevant to you and will not be displayed when you add a user to the system.

More information about the Club Officers Control Panel is available here:

If you have many users to create, the import from a spreadsheet facility may be of interest:

Information about membership status is shown here: