easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Adding a Guest Speaker
Author malw Date 01 Jan 07, 07:36 Views 3735
Description How to add a guest speaker to the agenda
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Adding a Guest Speaker 

You may wish to allow a non-member of your club to make a speech - for example as the target speaker in an evaluation contest.

To do this:

If they have already visited your club they may be in your club membership list with a status of 'Visitor' or 'Guest'.
If this is the case, click on the edit icon next to their status in your club and change it to 'Special Guest' or 'Guest Speaker'.

If not,
Establish whether your guest speaker is a member of another club using easy-Speak.
If they ARE:

If they are not a member of a club using easy-Speak you must create them as a new user:

Once they have 'speaking rights' at your club they will be able to place their intended speech into the queue and designate it for presentation at your club - or you will be able to do this for them:

When the speech is in the 'queue' of speeches available for your club you will be able to assign it to the meeting as you would a speech for a club member.

You may read more about Membership Status and how to change what different status members may do in this article: