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Author malw  Date 01 Jan 07, 07:29  Views 7552
Description Description of how the system may be configured for your club
Category Club Management  Type Information
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easy-Speak information

In what circumstances can a member volunteer for a role on-line?

Users of the system may take a role which is not already assigned in the following circumstances.

Your club has decided to allow users to take a vacant role on-line. (This is part of the club setup in your administration panel)


The current date/time is AFTER the time defined to allow user on-line changes and BEFORE the time you have set to prevent further on-line user changes.
(These times are calculated from the meeting date/time and two settings which are part of the club setup in your administration panel)


The 'status' of the user (eg 'member' or 'guest') permits the user to take this role. (Capabilities of each user type are defined in the 'status' section of your administration panel which are compared to the requirements of the role - again defined in your administration panel)


The user does not already have a role at this meeting


The role may be assigned - eg not the lines for 'network break' or 'end of meeting'
(Roles are set for your club in your administration panel)


You have specified that the role may be filled by users - for example you may have the role of TME defined so that it must be assigned by the meeting manager
(Roles are set for your club in your administration panel)

(The meeting manager may assign multiple roles to a member and is not restricted by the date/time settings)

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