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Author malw  Date 14 Jan 08, 14:18  Views 4008
Description The role and responsibilities of the Vice President of Membership
Category Toastmaster Officers  Type Information

Vice President of Membership

The VPM plans, organises and implements an on-going marketing effort to maintain or increase the Club membership level. This involves enticing guests to join and encouraging existing members to stay.

Specific duties:

* Maintains attendance records and an accurate membership roster.

* Records the names and contact details of all guests, and follows up with them after the meeting.

* Asks guests to join.

* Helps each new member to fill in the Membership Application form and gives it to the Treasurer. The form can be downloaded at http://www.toastmasters.org/Members/MembershipBuilding/MembershipApplications/App.aspx and printed double-sided with the setting 'flip on long edge'.

* Arranges for each new member to pay the correct joining fee. See http://d71.org/docs/ClubManagement/NewMemberFees.xls

* Provides recognition of Toastmasters who contribute to the increase of club membership.

* Informs World Headquarters of any member's change in contact details. The easiest way to do this is on the Club Business section of the TI website at http://www.toastmasters.org/Members.aspx

* If the Club uses easy-Speak, enters new member details on it.

Feedback Form
Here is the template for a feedback form that you can give to visitors to complete and then either hand in at the meeting or post afterwards. These questions would normally be put in conversation with them, but you may find this elicits a more honest appraisal.
Visitor Feedback Form

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