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Author malw  Date 23 Mar 06, 17:14  Views 2592
Description How to Plan Your Speech or Presentation
Category Newsletter Articles  Type Information

How to Plan Your Speech or Presentation

How to Plan Your Speech or Presentation

Why should you plan your presentation or speech? Because if you don't know where you're going and why, how can you be sure that you'll get there? If you just throw your presentation together without giving enough time and thought to some key points, it will look thrown together and unprofessional. It will also miss the point and not achieve want you need it to achieve - whether that is communicate a new message to your team, win a new sale or impress your clients.

Here are the three questions you need to ask yourself:

1. What is your topic? What subject or aspects of a subject will you be covering? Before you start writing your presentation you must determine what exactly you will be talking about. You may find that your topic is actually too large or complex for the time available, so you may have to go back and review the specific topic you wish to address. It is better to do this early in the process than when you're half way through it.

2. What is your overall purpose? There are many reasons for giving a presentation. Do you want to:


An entertaining presentation is constructed and delivered quite differently from an informative speech. Once you know the purpose of your presentation you can determine the structure, topics and method of delivery that will best achieve your purpose.

3. Who is your audience? Every audience is different and in order to ensure success you should always consider what your potential audience will be like and what their expectations will be. Failure to address the needs and level of interest and understanding of an audience can be deadly to a speaker. If you don't have personal knowledge of the potential audience try to contact someone who can give you some idea as to the nature, attitudes and expectations of your audience.

One of the best ways of answering these questions and making a start on planning your speech or presentation is with the help of a large sheet of plain paper. Don't try to write lists of things to you need to include - just brainstorm and throw down all the ideas you have. Then start to put them into order, thinking about your subject, your purpose and your audience.

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