easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: easy-Test - Toastmaster automation! :: Recording an external speech
Author malw Date 01 Jan 07, 07:29 Views 5964
Description How to record a speech that one of your members made outside the club
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Recording an external speech 

Toastmasters International encourage a limited number of speeches to be made outside the club, provided that they have the prior approval of the club VP-E and are evaluated by another Toastmaster.

Easy-Speak allows you to record these speeches.

If the speech was made at another club using easy-Speak the member's record will be updated automatically and you do not need to take any action.

If the speech was made at an external event, or at a club that does not use easy-Speak yet, you may add this speech to the member's record:

    Go to the member's profile,
    Add a speech to the queue for this member in the usual way.
    (If the member may speak at more than one club be sure to select your club when asked).
    This speech will now display in the list of requested speeches at the foot of the profile.
    Click on the arrow icon for this speech at the far right of the screen,
    Enter the date that the speech was presented

That's all there is to it!