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Toastmasters International 


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Keynote Speaker  

Toastmasters: Achieving Greatness Together

International President Pat Johnson brings to her position many skills that will help her guide the Toastmasters organization to new heights. She is a seasoned executive who has been a leader in corporate, government, not-for-profit and entrepreneurial industries – and she is only the fifth woman ever to serve as Toastmasters International President.

A resident of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Johnson offers the Toastmasters organization more than 28 years of experience in working in policy, career development and strategic planning. She has international experience as a speaker and trainer and is skilled in conflict resolution, negotiation and mediation. In addition, her work experience includes organizational development and delivery and evaluation of programs in adult education. Johnson credits Toastmasters with helping her learn how to support others and become a cheerleader for their projects. She adds, "I am a better community member, parent, employee, leader, friend and manager because of what I have learned in Toastmasters."


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