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Author malw  Date 01 Jan 07, 07:28  Views 10542
Description What to do if your PC won't remember the 'Log me on automatically each visit' setting
Category Using This Site  Type Information
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easy-Speak information

My PC won't log me in automatically

This website remembers your identity and will allow you to log in automatically by storing a 'cookie' on your PC. (A cookie is a small data file with your username, the site name and the date in it)

If you find that you are unable to get the 'Log me on automatically each visit' setting to stick and always have to log in each time you come to the site the cookie stored on your PC may be damaged and you should delete it. The system will create a new one the next time you log in.
A 'bad' cookie could also cause you to log in twice each time you try to access the site

If you block cookies from the site you will not be able to log in, confirm attendance at meetings and view members telephone numbers etc. etc.

For Internet Explorer:
Please follow this help information from Microsoft:

To delete a cookie
In Internet Explorer, on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Settings, and then click View files.
Select the cookie you want to delete, and then, on the File menu, click Delete.

Some Web sites store your member name and password or other personally identifiable information about you in a cookie; therefore, if you delete a cookie, you may need to re-enter this information the next time you visit the site.

To delete all of the cookies on your computer, click Delete Cookies on the General tab.

For Mozilla:

Click on Tools>Options and select the Privacy Tab
Click on 'View Cookies'
Select the cookie you want to delete, and then 'Remove cookie'

(Do NOT delete ALL cookies if you use bank systems etc where you do not remember the id
and password - otherwise deleting them all is the easy option)

The cookie that you are looking for will be called:

For example: I log into my computer with the username Malcolm so the cookie for me is
called Cookie:Malcolm@www.d71.org

If your PC is set for a single user the name may be 'Owner' or 'Administrator' plus the d71 bit - eg:


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