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Author malw  Date 22 Jul 08, 16:50  Views 7536
Description Success/Leadership, Success/Communication, Youth Leadership and Accredited Speaker
Category Maximum Achievements  Type Information

Other Programmes

Success/Leadership programmes
- How To Conduct Productive Meetings
- Parliamentary Procedure In Action
- Leadership Part 1: Characteristics Of Effective Leaders
- Leadership Part 2: Developing Your Leadership Skills
- Leadership Part 3: Working In The Team Environment
- Improving Your Management Skills

Success/Communication programmes
- Speechcraft
- How To Listen Effectively
- The Art Of Effective Evaluation
- Building Your Thinking Power Part 1: Mental Flexibility
- Building Your Thinking Power Part 2: The Power Of Ideas
- From Speaker To Trainer

Youth Leadership
This is a programme for young people to develop speaking and leadership skills through practical experience. There are eight workshop-style sessions usually lasting one to two hours each. Each Youth Leadership group is limited to 15 to 20 people, with a maximum of 25.
There is a District 71 version of the Youth Leadership programme at: http://d71.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=141

Accredited Speaker
The very best speakers may qualify for the Accredited Speaker programme, a TI programme to recognise those with professional speaking skills.
The applicant must:
1 - be a current member of a Toastmasters club.
2 - have given a minimum of 25 speaking engagements to non-Toastmasters audiences within three years of application date. Copies of five letters of acknowledgment or appreciation from any of the 25 engagements must be provided as documentary evidence of successful presentations.
3 - pass a rigorous two-stage judging process.

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