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easy-Test - Knowledge Base
Quality Clubs resource
What makes a Quality Club?
Efficient Organisation
Articles and tools to help with the administrative aspects of running a Quality Club. Includes explanations of the Club and District officer roles.
    Downloadable files  Download the planning calendar, Quality Club presentations and template forms. - ()
    Registering Club Officers with World Headquarters  Step-by-step procedure for online registration of Club Officers.. - ()
    Insurance  Cover for clubs. - ()
    Club's Mailing Address  How to get World Headquarters mailings to the address you want. - ()
    Sponsors, New Club Mentors and Club Coaches  Helpers for new and struggling clubs. - ()
    Freebies  Free items at the WHQ store. - ()
    Re-instated, transfer and dual members  How to register them. - ()
    Area Governor reports  Reporting club visits. - ()
    How to navigate the Toastmasters International and District 71 Websites and Marketing our Future  How to use these resources. - ()
   Toastmaster Officers
A description of the roles and responsibilities of the Club Officers.
      Club President  The role and responsibilities of the Club President. - ()
      Vice President of Education  The role and responsibilities of the Vice President of Education. - ()
      Vice President of Membership  The role and responsibilities of the Vice President of Membership. - ()
      Vice President Public Relations  The role and responsibilities of the Vice President Public Relations. - ()
      Secretary  The role and responsibilities of the Club Secretary. - ()
      Treasurer  The role and responsibilities of the Club Treasurer. - ()
      Sergeant at Arms  The role and responsibilities of the Club Sergeant at Arms. - ()
      Immediate Past President  The role and responsibilities of the Immediate Past President. - ()
      Club Officer Roles  Downloadable Training documents. - ()
      District Division and Area Officers
Descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of the District, Division and Area Officers.
        Elected District Officer Roles  Mission/purpose and qualifications. - ()
        Area Governor  The duties and responsibilities of an Area Governor. - ()
   Officer Training
Articles and Links for District, Division, Area and Club Officer Training Materials.
      Officer Training  Programmes for the second session this Toastmaster year. - ()
      District Officer Training June 2008  Handouts and Presentations from District Officer Training June 2008. - ()
      District Officer Training January 2009  Handouts and Presentations from District Officer Training January 2009. - ()
   Starting a New Club
Instructions and all the forms you need to start a new club.
      Starting a Club - Tips  by Robin Chawner, founder of Solent Speakers. - ()
      Step-by-step process  Downloadable files. - ()
      New Club Material
New club PR material and ideas
        Posters for Club Start-up  Tips and Examples of Posters for New Clubs. - ()
        Brochures for Club Start-up  Tips and Examples of Brochures for New Clubs. - ()
        Presentations to Deliver at Club Start-up  Tips and Examples of Presentations to use at Demo/Publicity meetings. - ()
        Press Releases for Club Start-up  Tips and Examples of Press Releases for New Clubs. - ()
        Guest Information for Club Start-up  Tips and Examples of Guest Information for Club Start-up. - ()
Educational & Enjoyable Meetings
Articles and tools to help with preparing and conducting Quality Club meetings. Includes explanations of the meeting roles.
    The old CL Award  Information & Downloadable file. - ()
   Toastmaster Roles
Information about the roles at Toastmaster, suggestions and training.
      Toastmaster Roles Progression  A chart showing progression through the various meeting roles. - ()
      Ballot Counter  What does the Ballot Counter do at a meeting?. - ()
      Jokemaster  Information about the Jokemaster. - ()
      Harkmaster  Art of listening. - ()
Information on the role of Toastmaster for the Meeting
        Toastmaster  What is involved in being a Toastmaster at a meeting?. - ()
      General Evaluator
Information about the General Evaluator Role
        General Evaluator  What does the General Evaluator do at a meeting?. - ()
      Sergeant at Arms
Information on the role of Sergeant at Arms.
        Sergeant at Arms  What do I have to do?. - ()
Information about the Timekeeper role
        Timekeeper  What does this role involve?. - ()
      Grammarian & Ah Counter
Information on the roles of Grammarian and Ah Counter
        Grammarian  The What?. - ()
        Ah Counter  What does the Ah Counter do at a meeting?. - ()
      Topics Master
Information on the role of Topics Master.
        Table Topics Master  What does this role involve?. - ()
Information on the role of Evaluator or Topics Evaluator.
        Evaluation  What do I have to do?. - ()
        Downloadable files on Evaluation  Articles, links to other sources and downloadable files about Evaluation. - ()
      Warm Up
Information about the 'Warm Up' role.
        Warm Up  What do I have to do?. - ()
      Reserve Speaker
Information about the role of reserve speaker.
        About the 'Reserve Speaker' role  A desription of what may be asked of you in this role.. - ()
This category covers various aspects of preparing and improving your speech.
        Prepared Speaker  Overview. - ()
        Useful resources when preparing a speech  Useful resources for quotes and ideas when preparing a speech. - ()
        Ten Top Tips for Terrific Table Topics  Suggestions for excellence in Table Topics. - ()
Information about taking the role of 'hospitality' at a club meeting.
        Hospitality  What is expected from you when you take the hospitality role for a meeting?. - ()
   Meeting Ideas
Ideas for More Exciting Meetings.
      Ideas for variety in Club Meetings  Links and Ideas for variety in Club Meetings. - ()
      Table Topics  Add variety to your Table Topics. - ()
      Articles and downloadable files on Meetings  Articles, links and downloadable files with sample meeting agenda etc.. - ()
      Better than TV!  An audience-orientated approach to club meetings. - ()
      Silly Games  Fun items for inclusion in meetings. - ()
   Toastmaster Manuals
A summary of the content in each of the Toastmaster Manuals.
      Advanced Communication manuals  Brief overview. - ()
      Competent Communication manual  The 10 projects and a 'CC slip'. - ()
      Competent Leadership manual  The 10 projects, roles and clarifications. - ()
      The Successful Club Series  Description of modules from the Successful Club Series. - ()
      The Leadership Excellence Series  Description of modules from the Leadership Excellence Series. - ()
      Advanced Communications Manuals  Full list of projects from each of the Advanced Manuals. - ()
      The Better Speaker Series  Description of modules from the Better Speaker Series. - ()
Information on roles at a contest and organising a contest.
      Judge and Tiebreaking Judge  Checklist for Judges other than Chief Judge. - ()
      Contests - An Overview  Includes a description of each type of Contest. - ()
      Area and Division Contests  Checklist for Area/Division Governor. - ()
      Contest Chair  Checklist for the Contest Chair. - ()
      Chief Judge  Checklist for the Chief Judge. - ()
      District 71 Contest Directive  Directive for the number of Contestants 2006-7. - ()
      Sample Contest Agenda  Downloadable template for the Autumn & Spring Contests. - ()
      Club Contests  Checklist for Clubs. - ()
      What Makes a Winning Speech?  An explanation of the judging criteria. - ()
Maximum Achievements
Articles and tools to help the club achieve goals and awards. Includes explanation of the Distinguished Club Programme.
    Other Programmes  Success/Leadership, Success/Communication, Youth Leadership and Accredited Speaker. - ()
    Educational System - Changes  An explanation of the changes for those familiar with the old system. - ()
    Educational System Changes - Frequenty Asked Questions  Q and A on the July 2006 changes. - ()
    Educational System - Summary  The Communication and Leadership tracks in brief. - ()
    Educational System - Details  Details of the Communication and Leadership tracks. - ()
    Distinguished Club Programme  DCP summary and training aid. - ()
    Distinguished Area Programme  Explanation. - ()
    Distinguished Division Programme  Explanation. - ()
Articles on Building a Mentoring Program in Your Club.
      Mentoring  Supporting a new or existing member. - ()
      Links and Documents on Mentoring  Links and documents that may be downloaded. - ()
   Competent Leadership
Information about the competent leadership track
      Competent Leadership manual  Link. - ()
      Online CL tracking  Tracking the new Competent Leader award. - ()
Promoting Toastmasters and your Club
    Promotional Presentations  Presentations about promoting your club. - ()
    PR Never Sleeps  PR suggestions for all the year. - ()
    Publicising Contests  Have you considered the excellent PR opportunities of Club, Area and Division Speech and Topics Contests ?. - ()
    Press Releases - Useful Tips  Guidance on "Press Releases" - and specifically with respect to Contests. - ()
    Club Open Nights  Promoting with Open Evenings. - ()
    How do you use the Web to promote your Club?  Using Community and Club Websites - and of course the District Website. - ()
    Additional Online PR  making the most of online publicity opportunities. - ()
   Marketing and Membership Building
Promoting and Marketing Your Club.
      Posters and Flyers  Example leaflets from our clubs. - ()
      Links to Other Resources  Links to Marketing resources on other web-sites. - ()
      Club Growth  Links to Articles on Club Growth. - ()
      Radio and TV Interviews  Recordings of broadcasts in District 71. - ()
      Recognising Membership Building  Clubs getting recognition for the hard work they put in each year to gain new members. - ()
   Press Releases
Press releases from the District and from Clubs are stored here
      Irish inspiration wins world number 4 ranking  District 71 - number four in the world. - ()
Other Information
Other information about Toastmasters and using this site.
    Links to other resources  Links to sources of information, discussion and reference. - ()
    Contacts at Toastmasters International  Useful email addresses at World Headquarters. - ()
    Toastmaster blogs  Links to blogs by Toastmaster clubs. - ()
    District Election  Election for officers 2010/11. - ()
    Famous Speeches  Listen and read speeches which changed the world. - ()
    District Rankings 2008/9  President's Distingushed and Select Distinguished Districts. - ()
    Maps with borders  Club locations within Divisions and Areas. - ()
Information about the Toastmasters organisation.
    How and where did Toastmasters Start?  History and background. - ()
    Toastmasters International - organisation and structure  A basic guide. - ()
    Club officers  Club Officers and what they do. - ()
    Getting Started with a Toastmaster Club - Earning your CC  Prepared speeches and Table Topics. - ()
    Ted Corcoran's 'Sing-Song'  Feature of the International Convention. - ()
Conference Presentations
Downloads of the Conference presentations are available here.
    The Autumn 2005 Conference - Leamington Spa  Downloads of presentations made at the Spa Conference. - ()
    The Spring 2006 Conference - Mulingar  Downloads of presentations made at the Mulingar Conference. - ()
    The Autumn 2006 Conference - Nenagh  Downloadable documents from the Nenagh Conference. - ()
    The Spring 2007 Conference - Portsmouth  Downloadable documents from the Portsmouth Conference. - ()
    The Spring 2008 Conference - Killarney  Conference presentations. - ()
    The Autumn 2007 Conference - Harogate  Conference Presentations. - ()
    The Autumn 2008 Conference - Kilkenny  Downloadable documents from the Kilkenny Conference. - ()
    The Spring 2009 Conference - Cotswolds  Downloadable documents from the Cotswolds Conference. - ()
District Newsletters and articles that you may use when preparing your own newletter
    District 71 Newsletters  All the recent District Newsletters are here. - ()
    International Toastmaster Newsletters  Newsletters from other Toastmaster Districts around the world. - ()
    Newsletters from District 71 Clubs and Areas  Club newsletters from Britain and Ireland. - ()
   Newsletter Articles
This section includes articles that are of general interest to Toastmasters and may be re-used in newsletters by other clubs, districts and divisions. Please acknowledge the original author when you use an article from here and contribute new ones.
      - Snippets  Snippets of information that you may include in your newsletter to help members get more from easy-Speak. - ()
      Tips for Successful Speaking  Tips for Successful Speaking (1). - ()
      Tips for Successful Speaking  Tips for Successful Speaking (2). - ()
      Structuring Effective Presentations  Structuring Effective Presentations. - ()
      How to make better Conference Presentations  How to make better Conference Presentations. - ()
      How to Have a Laugh  How to Have a Laugh. - ()
      Have Fun!  Have Fun!. - ()
      How to Plan Your Speech or Presentation  How to Plan Your Speech or Presentation. - ()
      How to Get Started  How to Get Started. - ()
      Listen and Learn  Listen and Learn. - ()
      How Am I Doing?  How Am I Doing?. - ()
      Death By PowerPoint  Death By PowerPoint. - ()
      Presenting your business  Newsletter article from Chantal with tips from Toastmaster training. - ()
Using This Site
Information about using this website.
    easy-Speak: application overview  The 'helicopter view' of what this system does. - ()
    An overview of system features from a user point-of-view.  What you need to know to get the best from this system. - ()
    Using Links from your Club website  Example links to easy-Speak from your club's website. - ()
    System update log  This document lists the changes made in each version of the system. - ()
    Data Protection Issues  Retaining and securing personal data for your club members.. - ()
    My PC won't log me in automatically  What to do if your PC won't remember the 'Log me on automatically each visit' setting. - ()
    Video Training clips  Short video showing the actual screens with commentary explaining their use.. - ()
    Want another language?  Read this if you would prefer to use easy-Speak in a language other than English. - ()
    easy-Speak: What's available at the District, Division or Area level  An overview of the features that are relevant here.. - ()
Club Management
How to use the application to get the best for your club.
    In what circumstances can a member volunteer for a role on-line?  Description of how the system may be configured for your club. - ()
    How to create a Poll  Creating a posting in your club discussion forum that contains a 'poll' allowing members to vote on a subject.. - ()
    Changing or correcting user data  How to correct telephone numbers, schedule a speech or upload a photograph for your members.. - ()
    Recording an external speech  How to record a speech that one of your members made outside the club. - ()
    Create a New User  How to create a new user on the system as a member of your Club. - ()
    Add an existing easy-Speak user as a member of your club  How to add an existing easy-Speak user to your club.. - ()
    Running a Membership Campaign  How easy-Speak can help you to keep track of new members. - ()
    E-mail to all your members  How to send an e-mail to all your members or to certain status of members. - ()
    Managing the front page of the site for your Club, Area, Division or District  How to create 'news' or the 'welcome' information.. - ()
    Changing the location of your Club on the site maps and 'find a club'  How to find the correct location for your Club and request that it be changed on the site maps and 'find a club'. - ()
    Changing the officers for your club.  How to change the person assigned to each officer position in your club (or Area/Division/District). - ()
    The IM Portal  How to use the extended portal system to create a website for your Club/Area/Division etc. - ()
    Tracking Leadership Awards  How to use the system to keep track of members' progress for CL and AL awards. - ()
    Different Layouts for the printed agenda  An explanation and examples of the Agenda layout. - ()
    Running a Hybrid Meeting (Allowing both physical and online attendees)  How to set up your hybrid meeting, and limit the number of physical attendees if needed. - ()
   Club Control Panel
Details on the settings in the Club Control Panel:
      Welcome Page Links  Standard Links that can be added to text for use on the Club Welcome page (or in an external web-site). - ()
      The Club Control Panel  Explanation of overall settings for your club in the Control Panel. - ()
      The Club Officers Control Panel  Explanation of the settings for your club officers in the Control Panel. - ()
      Meeting Roles  An explanation of the standard 'meeting roles' and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - ()
      Locations  An explanation of the use of locations and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - ()
      Membership Status  An explanation of membership status and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - ()
   Running the Meeting
Information on creating a meeting, advising members about it by e-mail, creating the agenda, allocating members to roles and finally recording what actually happened
      The agenda e-mail system  How to use the agenda e-mail routine. - ()
      Creating a Meeting  Information about creating a meeting to show in the calendar.. - ()
      Assigning Members to Roles  Assigning Members to Roles. - ()
      An overview of Creating and Running a Meeting  An overview of how to create and run a meeting on easy-Speak. - ()
      Editing the Agenda  Changing the Agenda to suit a particular meeting. - ()
      Recording what actually happened  How to use the 'Actual' screen to record actual attendance and roles.. - ()
      Assigning Speeches for the meeting  How to assign the speakers and identify which speech they will make.. - ()
      Adding a Guest Speaker  How to add a guest speaker to the agenda. - ()
      How the Automatic Role Assignment Works  A technical explanation of the role assignment engine and the settings it uses.. - ()
      Club Officer Training  How to use the easy-Speak system for your Club or District Officer Training. - ()
   Getting Started
Getting your club started on easy-Speak.
      Importing Member details from a spreadsheet  How to import Member names, user-id, telephone numbers etc from a spreadsheet. - ()
      Getting Started  How to get your club running on easy-Speak. - ()
      Importing Members Speeches from a Spreadsheet  How to get your members' history up-to-date by uploading past speeches. - ()
District Management
Descriptions of features used outside the club level are kept here
    Email all, or a selected type, of District and Club Officers  This document explains how to use the mass e-mail system to send an e-mail to all officers of a selected 'type' (for example all Club Presidents). - ()
    Candidates Corner  A review of the way that the Candidates Corner works. - ()
User Information
Hints and tips for individual members to help you get the best from this program.
    How do I get back after selecting 'Print Agenda'?  How to navigate back to the system. - ()
    How do I upload a picture to the Photo Gallery?  Help on uploading photographs to the club photo gallery. - ()
    How can I say that I will [will not] attend a meeting and accept [reject] a role?  Using the agenda screen or responding to a meeting e-mail from your VPE. - ()
    How do I book a speech for a future meeting?  How to enter the details of a speech that you would like to make.. - ()
    The Club 'Member Charts'  How to understand and get the best from the information presented in the seven charts. - ()
    Watch for updates  How to 'watch' an agenda or discussion topic for changes. - ()
    How do I join the Word of the Day contributors and what does it involve?  An explanation of what is needed in a Word of the Day entry.. - ()

easy-Test - Sitemap

Toastmaster Automation v2.7b - Sponsored by Malcolm Warden   © 2005-21 MalW

Terms and Conditions (Revised 2018-04-23)       Privacy Policy (Revised 2017-12-21 16:00)
The names Toastmasters International and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International
This website is developed, supported and financed by Toastmaster members for use in their own clubs with the cooperation of Toastmasters International. It is only available to Toastmasters clubs.