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easy-Test - Toastmaster automation!


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easy-Test - Toastmaster Club Information
Able Club : Able Club Location,
Adele Club : Adele Hall,
Alfa Romeo Club : Alytus,
Aluminium Club : Antalya,
Amethysts Club : Amstetten,
Anise Club : Ankara,
Ape Club : Ape Club Default Location,
Apple Club : Amsterdam,
Apricot Club : Apricot Club Default Location,
Baker Club YY : Baker Street,
Balsa Club : Brasov Allied Air Base,
Banana Club : Banana Club Default Location,
Basil Club : Budapest,
Bear Claw Club : Bear Claw Club Default Location,
Black Opal Club : Bucharest,
Bob Toastmasters : Bob's Bistro,
Brass Club : Bratislava,
Buffalo Club : Buffalo Club Default Location,
Buick Club : Borinka,
Bulgarian Translation Group : Default Location,
Camel Club : Cologne,
Cannoli Club : Cannoli Club Default Location,
Cedar Club : Calarasi,
Celine Speakers : Celine Academy,
Charlie Club : Charle Street,
Cherry Club : Caldas da Rainha,
Cherry Opal Club : Chalkida,
Chinese Translation Group 中文翻譯組 : Default Location,
Chrysler Club : Cumra,
Cilantro Club : Choszczno,
Copper Club : Constanta,
Daimler Club : Darkov,
Delta Club : Delta Club Default Location,
Diamond Club : Dimitrovgrad, My Address put here
Dido Speaks : Dido Mansions,
Dill Club : Caracal,
Dogwood Club : Dubrovnik,
Dolomite Club : Davlekanovo,
Dolphin Club : Davos,
Donut Club : Delft, Netherlands,
Durian Club : Durian Club Default Location,
Dutch test : Default Location,
Dutch Translation Group : Default Location,
French Translation Group : Default Location,
German Translation Group : Marienplatz, München, Marienplatz, München
HAU Athens : Hellenic American Union, Massalias 22 Athens Greece 10680
Hungarian Translation Group : Default Location,
Hybrid test club : Taller de Fotografía Profesional, Av. Benavides 1171, 3er piso Lima Peru Lima 18
Italian Translation Group : Default Location,
King Arthur's Playground : Warszawa - Bussines Center,
Mallorca Wordsmiths : Amic Horizonte Hotel, Calle Vista Alegre 1, La Bonanova Palma de Mallorca Spain 07015
Nairobi : United Kenya Club United Kenya Club, Nyerere Rd Nairobi Kenya 00100
Pineapple Toastmasters : Disneyland Europe, 77777 Marne-la-Vallée, Frankrijk
Polish Translation Group : Default Location,
Portal Prototype : Somewhere,
Portuguese Translation Group : Default Location,
Romanian Translation Group : Locatie implicita,
Slovak Translation Group : Default Location,
Spanish Translation Group : Default Location,
Test 1 : Default Location,
Test 2 : Default Location,
Test 3 : Default Location, 1223 ABC Road Alphabet Park
Test 4 : Default Location,
test romanian : Default Location,
Translation Group Moderators : Lumpini Park, Thanon Sarasin Bangkok
Vienna : Restaurant Schubert, Schottengasse 3 Vienna Austria 1010
日本語翻訳グループ / Japanese Translation Group : つくば市吾妻交流センター, 茨城県つくば市吾妻

easy-Test Discussion Index

General Discussion
Information and discussion about forthcoming conferences
  Translation Teams
A discussion place for moderators and members of the translation project for the easy-Speak system

Use of this application
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Ask questions here when you are not sure how to do something

Club Discussion
  Area A99 Members Discussion
Use this area for information about testing the hybrid meeting option

Language Tools
  Standard Text - English
These are the standard promotional words. They must be left in ENGLISH in this forum and copied before translation into each of the language forum.
  Standard Text - US English
  Standard Text - German
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  Standard Text - Polish
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easy-Test - Knowledge Map

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The names Toastmasters International and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International
This website is developed, supported and financed by Toastmaster members for use in their own clubs with the cooperation of Toastmasters International. It is only available to Toastmasters clubs.